A “Classic” Beauty
True beauty lies within the eye of the beholder
We, the American citizens are the beholders
And the pure beauty of this timeless land is beyond one's sight
But is eternally placed in one's heart.
She sings sounds of tradition, happy holidays
That brings family together
America has blossomed into an amazing flower with sweet smelling nectar
And astonishing petals that continue to grow endlessly
She gives us the foundation, background, and stability from which
We, the American citizens grow and learn from
Sacrificing, hard work, strength
These are the qualities of the men and women that America produced
True, smart, and understanding
For a world that is so demanding, these men and women give their all
Building a community
Sculpting a nation
Of a fine world
America, God's wonderful creation
Birthed people who care
Shows their love
And if asked what would they choose
Between people and the world
They would say..........
The land of freedom, liberty, justice, equality, and opportunity
America presented We, the American citizens
With these ideas, the ideas on which the foundation
Of our way of life has been built
Things in America have changed
But her original idea still remains the same
Within the traces of her......
There are great structures such as the Statue of Liberty
She stands tall, all by herself on her lonely island
Her solid, sandy build colored base is the sandy struggle
To get America on solid ground
Her classic rusted robe is the representation
Of how America has changed, grown, and
Has aged beautifully into the Superpower Nation today
Her large crown that sets upon her graceful head
Her torch in her right hand leading America
Her left hand holds the tablet of all the........
Different Americans.
Ambitious, Ambiguous, Americans
Incredible, Intelligent, Interesting Americans
Curious, Cultured, Creative Americans
Amazing! All under the shade of human.
America's Children
She once sang sad songs
But now she has proven to weather all storms
And shouts her new found freedom
From her mountain tops
Holding herself high, and shining with pride
We, the American citizens, celebrate her
America, her birth, her steps into womanhood,
Loving her old, while embracing her new
We celebrate our new America
For she is forever a classic beauty.
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