Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Poems Of America

What would the world be without so many different colors?
We learn to click like bells and also love each other.
Black, hispanic, caucasians, all around the world to the islanders and asians.
Although we may be different, together we are playdough all mash together, we become one body and one soul.
Let's surround America as we watch out playdough grow!

Nature is the light of beauty.
The birds are chirpping,
Children are playing anxiously on the swings.
The leaves race down the sidewalk,
As they get crunched under the rolls of the roller skates.

In America we are free, free to be who we want to be, free to laugh, and free to and dance all night, free to war and fight, and in this land this one so free, I am free to just be me, free from restrictions on religion free from the parrial, free from the killing, free to stand up for our rights, free to sleep all through the night,
yes in this land yes of the free your free to be you and Im free to be me.
This is America.

People come all over to look for the American dream.
To become something, to live the great American dream.
To become everything they were destines to be.
They enjoy the riches of this great nation.
Sure there are tears that are shed
But we join together hand in hands
Soon laughter and smiles are back on our faces.
Soon everybody will enjoys the riches of this great nation!

1 comment:

Resetter Printer said...

I must say that this is one of the very best blogs I've ever visited!


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