Tuesday, March 4, 2008

WUP for Tuesday, 3/4

"Good fences make good neighbors." --Robert Frost

What do you think Frost meant? If you were building a house, would you put a fence up between you and your neighbors? Why or why not?

Lit Term
The substitution of a mild or less negative word or phrase for a harsh or blunt one, as in the use of "pass away" instead of "die." The basic psychology of euphemistic language is the desire to put something bad or embarrassing in a positive (or at least neutral light). Thus many terms referring to death, sex, crime, and excremental functions are euphemisms. Since the euphemism is often chosen to disguise something horrifying, it can be exploited by the satirist through the use of irony and exaggeration.

(v.) to violate, trespass, go beyond recognized bounds
SYNONYMS: encroach, impinge, intrude, poach
ANTONYMS: stay in bounds

Use a comma to separate three items in an address, and/or to separate a city from a state.
Ex. He lived at 21 Main St., Denver, Colorado.
Ex. He lives in Denver, Colorado, but he is moving to Bradford, Florida, next month.

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