Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Slave Narratives Documentary Project

The goal of this project is to create a collaborative class documentary of slave narratives using HBO’s Unchained Memories as a model.

Project Guidelines
Each student will assume at least two of the following roles. One of those two roles must be a research role (1-4):
1. Collector of internet images of slavery (images must reflect segment topic, including images of the slaves whose narratives are used in the film);
2. Collector/researcher of slave narratives (gathers narratives relevant to segment topic/theme and selects the part of the narrative to be performed);
3. Collector/researcher of slave/negro spirituals (text and/or audio);
4. Collector/researcher of historical, background information (info relevant to segment overall, to any images that accompany it and to whatever immediately follows it;
5. Actor(s) (performs the dramatic reading of the narratives and the slave spirituals and the historical/background information);
6. Camera person (multiple angles);
7. Film editors (film editors need to have an advanced ability to grasp new technology and be able to learn how to do things by reading information in “Help” and/or follow video tutorials http://www.apple.com/ilife/tutorials/#imovie; logical, cohesive, thematic flow of video, audio, images, etc.; transitions; titles; subtitles; credits);
8. Narrator (uses GarageBand or possibly iMovie to create voice-overs of historical background information)

Day 1
1. Explanation of project
2. Expectations/Rubric
a. Each day each individual will be given a pass/fail grade based on participation and completion of what is due at the end of class
b. Upon completion of the project, your group will receive a grade based on your film
3. Time-line
4. Each group will be responsible for the filming and production of one segment of the documentary
5. As a class we will decide how to group the segments (thematically, topically, chronologically, by gender and/or age, etc.)
6. DUE AT THE END OF CLASS: Selection of groups and roles

Day 2 (Will need access to computers)
1. Research day
2. Collect images (qty. 10 ), slave narratives (qty. 3 different narratives from different people), slave spirituals (qty. 3), historical info (qty. 3 sources) (save to flash drive or email yourself copies, links, documents, etc.)
3. Sources must be documented using MLA format.
4. SIDE NOTE: There must be coordination with other groups to prevent duplicate material. (Ex. Researchers of slave narratives must communicate with researchers of slave narratives from other groups to be sure not to film the same material.)
5. DUE AT THE END OF CLASS: You must show me the files you have saved to your flash drive and/or emailed to yourself.
6. HOMEWORK: Continue to collect and revise your research

Day 3
1. Refine research
2. Organize and plan your segment
3. Put your plan in writing
4. DUE AT THE END OF CLASS: Your plan in writing (a tentative shot list)
a. Ex. 1. Film opens with title page saying …
b. 2. Narrator gives background info about …
c. 3. At the same time narrator is speaking, the screen will show images of …
5. iMovie tutorial (if time permits)

Day 4 (Will need access to cameras and computers)
1. Download images and put into iPhoto
2. Download audio into iTunes
3. Put narration into Garage Band
4. Film your narratives, background info, and slave spirituals
5. You will need to save time to download what your group filmed to your computer

Day 5 (Will need access to cameras and computers)
1. Begin editing video (adding titles, subtitles, transitions, images, etc.)
2. Film your narratives, background info, and slave spirituals
3. You will need to save time to download what your group filmed to your computer

Day 6 (Last day for in-class filming; Any additional footage will need to be filmed at lunch or after school; Will need access to cameras and computers)
1. Begin editing video (adding titles, subtitles, transitions, images, etc.)
2. Film your narratives, background info, and slave spirituals
3. You will need to save time to download what your group filmed to your computer

Day 7
1. This day will be devoted entirely to editing your film

Day 8
1. This day will be devoted entirely to editing your film

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