Monday, February 25, 2008

Gwennetta, Raelia, Jonisha, Asha

The American Dream

People of America
How patriotic we are
We stand tall and wave
Our flags.
People of America
How proud we are.
We command attention
And the praise we adore.
Oh American people
How much we have achieve
And even succeed.
Lawyers and doctors
High in their leagues.
Oh American people
Oh how we love America
Its people, its places
And even its surrounding seas.

You are the apple of my eye
You are the reason why I’m still alive.
When I become ill, I look to you to survive.
You listen to my heart beat
Ba Boom, Ba Boom, Ba Boom
When I feel sick or light-hearted,
You rush me to the emergency room.
Tick, tock, Tick, Tock
The time flies when I am hooked to an I.V.
I have all the time in the world to think
About how good you’ve been to me
You are a hero
You are a doctor
How incredible that must be.

Black women
Living by day
Surviving by night
Working 2 jobs
Baby father fights
Trying to make a living
With the world full of killings
Boom Boom Boom someone just got shot
911 somebody call the cops.
It’s time to stop playing
We need to start praying
The end is near
We need to prepare
Black women keep the faith
There is some hope
America isn’t but so bad
It’s the things people do that makes it so sad.

With this World today
Gardens, sunsets, plains, and forests
We see these landscapes day by day
Take a tour or take a picture.
Beautiful buildings. Beautiful sculptures
Is what you can capture in the blink of an eye
Lets not forget our entrepreneurs and architects
Better yet without them,
America would be a place to forget.

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